2023年12月4日 星期一

[2300] Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions

沒有錯!!!直覺寫法當然是overflow了 QQ
(又不是面試霍格華茲魔法學院QQ) (順便學英文是不QQ)

這個....... binary search 真是讓人頭痛QQ 到底 while 裡面 要不要等於
mid 到底要不要加減一
最後到底是回傳誰XD (抱頭)
* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
int comp(const void *a, const void *b)
return *(int*)a - *(int*)b;

int* successfulPairs(int* spells, int spellsSize, int* potions, int potionsSize, long long success, int* returnSize) {
int *ret = calloc (spellsSize, sizeof(int));
qsort(potions,potionsSize, sizeof(int), comp );
for (int i=0; i<spellsSize; i++)
//binary search potions here
int mid, l=0;
int r=potionsSize-1;
long long product;
if (1.0* spells[i]* potions[r] < success)
ret[i]= 0;
while (l<=r)
mid = l+(r-l)/2;
product = 1.0* spells[i]* potions[mid];
if (product < success)
else //if (product >= success)

ret[i]= potionsSize - l;
*returnSize = spellsSize;
return ret;

overflow的寫法XD  (考這麼簡單的話大家也不用刷題刷爆了啊QQ)
int* successfulPairs(int* spells, int spellsSize, int* potions, int potionsSize, long long success, int* returnSize) {
int *ret = calloc (spellsSize, sizeof(int));
for (int i=0; i<spellsSize; i++)
int count = 0;
for (int j=0; j<potionsSize; j++)
if ( (spells[i]* potions[j]) >= success)
ret[i] = count;
*returnSize = spellsSize;
return ret;

