2023年11月26日 星期日

[257] Binary Tree Paths

看起來是一個在 C++很easy的題目,放到C 卻充滿陷阱的題目 >< !

寫了一個版本終於可以對應出inneridx 跟out idx ,還想說雖然先宣告了maximum的ret array size 最後還要處理一下,但似!!!!!!

看到別人的解決辦法是,另用一個string cur 去存目前從root 帶下來的字串是什麼,
或者有一個作法是用int array 先把前面經過過的 node value 存起來
到了leaf 要回傳的時候再一次轉換成字串。

先把自己的 "不正確版" 貼一下,反正recursive 的部分是對的吧XD
剩下的是處理沿途紀錄的部分 QQ

* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* struct TreeNode *left;
* struct TreeNode *right;
* };
* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
int running(struct TreeNode* root, int inner_idx, int out_idx, char** ret )
if (root==NULL)
return out_idx;
if (root->left == NULL && root-> right == NULL)
char *buff = calloc (8, sizeof(char));
sprintf(buff, "%d", root->val);
int inLen= strlen(buff);
strncpy(&(ret[out_idx][inner_idx]), buff, inLen);
return ++out_idx;
char *buff = calloc (8, sizeof(char));
sprintf(buff, "%d->", root->val);
int inLen= strlen(buff);
strncpy(&(ret[out_idx][inner_idx]), buff, inLen);
if (root->left != NULL && root->right != NULL)
strncpy(&(ret[out_idx+1][inner_idx]), buff, inLen);
inner_idx += inLen;
out_idx = running(root->left, inner_idx, out_idx, ret);
out_idx = running(root->right, inner_idx, out_idx, ret);
return out_idx;
char** binaryTreePaths(struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize) {
int idx = 0, leafcount = 0;
int maxLen=600;
int maxLeaf = 128; //less than
char **ret = calloc (maxLeaf, sizeof(char*));
for (int i=0;i< maxLeaf; i++)
ret[i]= calloc (maxLen, sizeof(char));
leafcount = running(root, idx, leafcount, ret);
*returnSize = leafcount;
return ret;

哦最後我竟然可以大概寫出來而不要看太多解法 XD
用一個current string 去存的話,要住意append (strcat)不能用在傳進來的那個字串上,
因為它recursive 兩層以後,再回來的時候已經 (被)長大了!!!
int running(struct TreeNode* root, int out_idx, char** ret, char *cur )
if (root==NULL)
return out_idx;
if (root->left == NULL && root-> right == NULL)
sprintf(&(ret[out_idx][0]),"%s%d", cur, root->val);
return ++out_idx;
char *buff = calloc (128, sizeof(char));
sprintf(buff,"%s%d->", cur, root->val);

out_idx = running(root->left, out_idx, ret, buff);
out_idx = running(root->right, out_idx, ret, buff);
return out_idx;
char** binaryTreePaths(struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize) {
int leafcount = 0;
int maxLen= 100;
int maxLeaf = 50; //less than
char *cur = calloc (maxLen, sizeof (char));
char **ret = calloc (maxLeaf, sizeof(char*));
for (int i=0;i< maxLeaf; i++)
ret[i]= calloc (maxLen, sizeof(char));
leafcount = running(root, leafcount, ret, cur);
*returnSize = leafcount;
return ret;

